Case studies

Supporting doctors in the NHS

The challenge was how to help these critical individuals find the form needed to keep providing the care that only they can. Clinical competency takes priority over everything in their lives. The goal was to achieve this, whilst helping them make changes to feel more in control and make sure there is some of who they are left over for family and friends outside the hospital.

They all started from a point of exhaustion and frustration with many feeling they may have to leave the work they love. Reassuringly, all found the programme ran alongside they busy lives. Checking-in as required, the process helped them see the difference ‘being on form’ had on real outcomes - calmer patients and reassured parents, more development for colleagues, better relationships with junior doctors.


Average improvement in sleep scores

The biggest mindset shift was being able to re-prioritise themselves in their lives. Caring for sick children, being mothers, wives and clinical trainers, to some degree they had all lost sight of their own needs. Slight changes, such as new ways to destress, structure to meals, getting bits of “Me Time” during the day rather than trying to shoehorn it in every evening (impacting sleep) all had significant impact.

A major step was the re-contracting with colleagues over boundaries. We provided structure, data and language for these conversations, and even helped them practice! This enabled them to say “NO” more and be clear about when they would switch off, safeguarding their need to stay on form.

Overall, the outcomes were astonishing, from simple changes in routine, to significant epiphanies around prioritising themselves “to better provide for others”. 100% of these seasoned senior doctors found the journey transformational! All moved to eating, sleeping and exercising better, their burnout risk plummeted and they all reported feeling much more on top of things and in balance. Leaving the NHS was no longer on the table for any of them and “Life changing” was the expression most used in their feedback.

It was a good test that the OwnLife programme could create unique insight even for those clinically trained, that the formal elements could fit within the tightest of surgical rotas, and that the programme could make a real difference to some of the highest cognitive performers in our society.

I have never experienced anything like this… I made changes I didn’t think possible. Is the programme life changing….yes it is!

Dr Kath Brand

I am so grateful for this programme, I am calmer, more in control and getting more done at work and outside

Dr Stephanie King

I have recommended the OwnLife programme to anyone who will listen, it’s been an amazing, impactful and enjoyable experience

Dr Katy Nicholson


Reduction in overnight caffeine in blood


Reported improvement in Decision making, Engagement, and Proactivity


Reduction in sugary snack consumption

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