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I thought form was just my mood, good or bad, there is so much more to it, I loved the data approach, complete lightbulb moments, I challenged my myths, I now don’t shy away from difficult calls in the morning, I have opened up more time, it’s really exciting

UK Director

It has made me really conscious of the choices I have and really aware of the difference form makes to the outcomes at work… it’s re-enforced lots for me, really impactful

Regional COO

What’s really interesting about this programme is that the way in is really quite simple, yet it takes you really quite deep and into how you are as a person. It’s helped me connect back to why I am doing what I am doing and clearly works across all levels of the organisation

Hamish Anderson - CEO

I have never experienced anything like this, I was able to take a long hard look at how I was living and make changes I didn’t think possible, is the programme life changing….yes it is!

Dr Kath Brand - Senior Consultant Guys & St Thomas’