

Driving Sustainable Leadership Performance


We'll help your leaders perform at their very best

Work is no longer fixed hours in a fixed location, it is everywhere and all the time.

To perform sustainably at their peak, senior leaders need to look after their own needs first.

The Leading on 4RM® Programme

This practical, science-based approach combines cognitive and biometric tracking with structured executive coaching to create fully customised and data-driven journeys of transformation.


Increase in time on 'peak-form'


Reduction in leader's performance gap


Of leaders increase personal productivity

The Personal Performance & Wellbeing Assessment

To better understand the opportunity within your leadership teams, our online assessment tool combines rich benchmarking data with personally actionable insights for everyone who takes part.

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Understanding our cognitive
performance throughout the day

Combining psychology with bioscience
to permanently shift mindsets

A practical solution to
at scale

Cognitive Analytics

Understanding our cognitive performance throughout the day

Behavioural Science

Combining psychology with bioscience to permanently shift mindsets

Sustainable Performance

A practical solution to personally-owned-performance at scale

If we as MDs feel we need to give ourselves permission to take a break during the day, to go for a walk, what does that feel like for more junior members of the team?...There is a danger of getting into a negative spiral of how we do things…We are at a turning point when we can harvest this approach to gather momentum

COO Global Function

I didn’t realise how little I knew about my form. I feel calmer, more able to cope and more on top of things

Jonathan Mackenzie - Managing Director

The whole programme has been extremely useful to me, I have not experienced anything like this, it is very special…I have recommended this to my CEO and leadership team

Regional Head of Function

Our Programmes

We're at the start of the biggest disruption to the workplace in generations. Leaders are less connected to their teams, teams are less connected to each other and finding a sustainable work/life balance has become more difficult for everyone.

We would love to hear how we can help

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