Do you take ownership of what you need to perform?
Elite athletes train 99% of the time to perform for less than 1% of it. Although they may only be physically training for several hours each day, every aspect of how they eat, sleep, drink and exercise is part of their overall training regime.
White-collar workers need to perform for much longer – the average working week equates to 36% of our waking hours. We can’t expect to perform well for much of the day, 5 days a week unless we take our ‘training’ seriously.
Training for us, means different things. It doesn’t mean exercising for several hours every day, but it absolutely does mean paying attention to all aspects of how we live. Physical and mental exercise, sleep, glycemic load, caffeine and alcohol are all scientifically proven to impact cognitive function.
At OwnLife, when we introduce the concept of ‘form’ (the state of a person’s cognitive performance with regard to their current level of ability), a common response is that people had assumed that their ‘form’ was random and out of their control and therefore not worth focussing on.
The fact is, by not focussing on ‘training’, and letting how we routinely live become a somewhat random function based on prior habits, our performance will be random.
When you get people to measure their form and track it over time, they realise that it is actually quite predictable and is largely within their control.
If you want to perform, you need to take ownership of all aspects of how you live, and make ‘training’ a permanent priority.

The Science of Success
Fulfilling your potential is not an art, it's a science - proven with leaders across industries in the FTSE 100.

Understanding our cognitive
performance throughout the day
Combining psychology with bioscience
to permanently shift mindsets
A practical solution to
at scale
Cognitive Analytics
Understanding our cognitive performance throughout the day
Behavioural Science
Combining psychology with bioscience to permanently shift mindsets
Sustainable Performance
A practical solution to personally-owned-performance at scale