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I have never experienced anything like this, I was able to take a long hard look at how I was living and make changes I didn’t think possible, is the programme life changing….yes it is!

Dr Kath Brand - Senior Consultant Guys & St Thomas’

I thought form was just my mood, good or bad, there is so much more to it, I loved the data approach, complete lightbulb moments, I challenged my myths, I now don’t shy away from difficult calls in the morning, I have opened up more time, it’s really exciting

UK Director

There has been a step change in my mind in the way I am approaching things. I haven’t been able to change that in 20yrs of being here, but somehow now I am able to make the changes that will help me


“By tracking you get some good signposts that something isn’t right, which normally you wouldn’t realise until you blew a gasket“ Co-Founder

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